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HomeSharing is not an immediate form of shelter or housing. The match process takes a couple of months and is directed by the home provider.

If you are in immediate or near-term need for housing, please access the following resources, as appropriate.


  • If you are facing housing insecurity on the horizon and are living in a place with some spare space, you can become a home provider to help you STAY IN YOUR HOME. You can do this by engaging in the HomeShare process. HomeShare provides the tools for you to find a good boarder to help pay bills, perform maintenance and upkeep of your shared home and gain some companionship.

  • Find out more about HomeShare by sending us an email at or call and leave a message at 360-702-2796


Are you currently in need of shelter or housing?

Paste this address into a browser:


If you are struggling to remain in your home, sleeping in your car or outside, call the Council for the Homeless Housing Hotline at (360) 695-9677 to learn about available shelter and housing assistance in Clark County, WA. Housing Hotline Hours of Operation:

Housing Hotline #: (360) 695-9677

Housing Hotline Hours:

Monday thru Friday: 9am-8pm

Saturday and Sunday: 11am-5pm

Holidays: 11am-5pm

If you are in need of shelter or know someone who is, call the Housing Solutions Center at (360) 695-9677.


Share Shelter Programs - Share Vancouver - Making Our Community Home or paste this address into a browser:


Clark County Resource guides available in English, Spanish and Russian can be found by pasting this address into a browser:

Housing Services and Resources in Chuukese, paste this address into a browser:

Resources in Chuukese or


Clark County Rent Assistance

As of November 28, 2023:  Please contact the Housing Hotline at (360) 695-9677 to learn if rental assistance is available. The Hotline is open M-F 9am-8pm and weekends and holidays from 11am-5pm.


Do you have questions about encampments or persons living outside and not sure if Outreach staff have been notified? Contact the Council for the Homeless Coordinated Outreach staff. They are trained to work with people who are unhoused. Thank you for caring about our community.

Paste this address into a browser:

You can fill out one of two forms with information to get to the Council For The Homeless Outreach staff who will reach out to the identified individual within 48 hours.


SHARE of Vancouver, WA

Share Housing Programs - Paste this address into a browser:

For more information on Share’s Housing Programs, call (360) 952-8214.


SafeStay Program (for folks living in their car/van)

St. Anne’s Episcopal Church in Washougal, WA

Safe Stay program honors our commitment to serve our community by providing a place for people living in their cars to park at night. If interested in joining the program, please contact the office during normal business hours at (360) 835-5301 or email:


Clark County Utility Assistance

Call 360-992-3000 or paste this address into a browser:


NW Furniture Bank – to receive or donate gently used, good condition furniture (drop-off or pick-up)

Need Furniture?  Paste this address into a browser:



Veterans Links | Paste this address into a browser:

National Hotline: Veteran in crisis? 1-877-424-3838 for 24/7 assistance.



PO Box 821256, Vancouver, WA 98682

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